Saturday, 8 December 2012

Personalized Email Marketing

Personalized Email Marketing Biography

Cliff Allen began his computer industry career in 1973 when he left the broadcast industry to start his own software company serving the advertising industry with statistical analysis software used to analyze audience rating data.
After selling his first company, Mr. Allen worked for United Computing Systems and General Electric Information Services Co. in technical, sales, and marketing positions. His accomplishments include:

Developed engineering and graphics display software for use in analyzing sub-surface oil deposits
Designed and managed the product introduction of the Petroleum Industry Database that combines current data on all aspects of the petroleum industry with an integrated statistical analysis package
Managed the development and deployment of GE's early Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) offering
Mr. Allen later established a high-tech advertising/PR firm in 1986 to provide marketing communications services to companies selling software, hardware, electronics, data communications, and telecommunications products. His firm's high-tech clients included Microsoft, IBM, FiberLAN, T3 Technologies, Digital Recorders, and Interpath.
His Internet experience began in 1989 when his firm was one of the first marketing consulting companies using the Internet. In 1995 the company's line of Web personalization products was released. In 1999 his company released one of the first personalized e-mail products.
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing
Personalized Email Marketing

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